Wife Life

How Blake & I Met

Blake is three years younger than me. 

Never in my wildest dreams, did I think I would ever marry someone younger than me. I’ve always been considered “mature for my age” and thought I would most likely marry someone older than me, or at least my own age. But, as a good friend used to always tell me: “if you want to hear God laugh, tell him your plans”. 

From age 18 through 25 I had been in a series of crappy relationships and had spent a good amount of time being single. I was discouraged and frustrated—all I had ever wanted was to have a family of my own. 

My relationship prior to meeting Blake was the worst I had ever been in and to be honest, was really screwed up (a story for a different day). But that relationship taught me a lot about myself and what I wanted for my future. I set high standards and refused to settle for anything less.

Two different close guy friends of mine had previously tried to set Blake & I up on a date when my ex & I were on a break, but I declined. People often ask if I regret that, thinking that we could’ve started our life together sooner. I’m a firm believer in God’s timing, so as much as I wish I could’ve spared myself the turmoil that took place in my life at that time but, no I don’t regret it.

Blake & I had “met” through social media and friends a long time ago, but we didn’t know one another and had basically never had an actual conversation. 

Our relationship really started at our friend’s wedding. Blake was part of the wedding party and I attended as a guest. I had dreaded attending this wedding “solo” but decided to enjoy the night celebrating two of my best friends. At this point I had learned through friends, and Blake’s facebook/snap chat creepin’ that he was crushing on me, but he was shy and never seemed to make a move.

Towards the end of the night, a slow song came on and I pretty much forced Blake to get up and dance with me. 

Two weeks later another set of mutual friends got married. We were both single guests at their wedding; the rest of our friend group in attendance were married/dating one another. Due to the circumstances, and probably some match making by our friends, Blake & I spent much of the night talking and spending time together. When it was time to go home, Blake walked me to my car.

Over the next few days, we spent time texting and snapchatting until Blake finally got up the courage to ask me on a real date. We went to a small family-owned restaurant: Back Home in Elizabethtown, Ky. We had a great time and the rest is history…..