

When I started working with Vanda I wasn’t feeling my best and worried about how my body was dealing with all the postpartum changes it was going through. My mood and energy levels were my biggest concerns. Dealing with stress was also an issue. I also felt that I was supplementing too much/ incorrectly. It’s been about a month and I’m not having my afternoon energy crash which I never thought possible. I am paying more attention to the foods I eat as well. My bedtime routine is improving slowly which is a big deal for me. I feel more confident about my health overall. I feel like I know where I’m at and where I need to be. It’s a good feeling to be in control of your health instead of worrying and wondering when things are going to get better! I feel like the advice Vanda gives is actionable and I can ask her questions freely. It’s an easy going and informative process. I’d definitely recommend working with Vanda to any woman wanting to take charge of their health, especially those that need support with the postpartum stuff that is not addressed at pp follow-ups!
-Jessica, HTMA client

I decided to get a Blood Labs Review through Vanda because I want to know how I can function at my absolute best. I understand that doctors’ reviews of labs are often driven by averages and normals that might just tell us we are functioning “ok”. I feel like I learned a lot from my Blood Labs Review and I’ll use that information to further support my health and guide me in making better decisions for myself. I recommend a Blood Labs Review because it helps give you so much insight into where you might need to tweak what you’re doing. I’ve been doing all the “right things” with diet and exercise for 8-10 months with zero results. My blood lab reviews helped put another piece to the puzzle as to why I’m not seeing results yet.
-April, Blood Labs Review Client

When I started the Burnout Buster program my health was in an okay place, I had a lot of knowledge but I was still struggling to see how everything applied specifically to me. Throughout Burnout Buster I learned that there is so much more affecting each of our systems than just food and exercise. I learned a ton about minerals and how they affect each of the hormones. After 12 weeks of Burnout Buster I’m noticing better energy (without caffeine) & more, better quality sleep! I enjoyed working with Vanda because her program is affordable, she’s knowledgeable, and she takes a “real life” approach.
-April, Burnout Buster Client

The hormone reset challenge was a total game changer for me. I have felt that so many things were out of whack within my body, especially after having a baby. I reached out to Vanda for assistance. Vanda has been a great support & has answered any questions I have. The hormone reset academy was a great starting point for me. I’m beginning to implement the new habits I have learned & already feel better. I can’t wait to learn more & see further improvements. Here’s to feeling better as a whole! 
-Darien, Hormones Reset Student

This course was full of useful information that was easy to coordinate into an everyday routine. Being a busy mom, it was nice to see information and suggestions that were practical realistic goals. This helped motivate me to stay on course. Having an autoimmune disease, I am always wanting to find more natural ways to help with my body then just “taking a pill”. My pain levels have lowered from the helpful advice Vanda has shared. What I benefited from the most was a sleep routine and making sure I have three balanced meals. Aside from my health, I have felt more energized, and my emotions have been more stable. Even if there are things in this course you might know, there are plenty of new ideas, approaches, and knowledge to learn! Vanda has been great and attentive to each person, and I know she will do the same for you! If you are on the fence about joining, go for it, I promise you won’t regret it!
-Tessa, Hormone Balance Academy Student

I liked how Vanda created detailed videos explaining the different issues she would be addressing. I now try to implement what I have learned into my daily routine. It was also encouraging having other women in the group who struggle with hormone issues as well.
-Jenna, Hormone Balance Academy Student

Vanda’s course is something everyone needs to be familiar with! With all the different diets & fasting methods going around it can be hard to decipher the truth and what truly is best for us. She teaches you how the body works and thrives. And encourages you to make the small changes that seem like nothing, that end up really making a difference in the end.
-Tannan, Hormone Balance Academy Student

I did the Hormone Reset right after doing some HTMA testing with Vanda, and it was a great resource and follow-up. Vanda does a wonderful job of breaking down all of the different ways our lifestyles and day-to-day activities impact our hormones and the way we feel. Each day’s module digs into actionable ways you can nourish or optimize the way you feel. And, of course, Vanda was available each day to check in and follow up and answer questions. She helped me with a few things that I was struggling with too! Would highly recommend! Looking back on the few weeks since the reset, I know feel that I know how to handle the different situations during the day to support my hormones in ways that keep me feeling my best.
-Meagan, HTMA & Hormone Reset Student

Wow… I can’t really describe how relieved and validated I feel. I feel like this is the answer I have been needing and it makes so much sense.
-Jenna, HTMA client

The HTMA experience was incredible. Vanda is a wealth of knowledge and I felt connected to the process, informed every step of the way, and incredibly helped. She way over-delivered time and time again for me…I feel like I couldn’t truly understand how incredible the experience would be until I was having it!! The experience was simplistic and yet so rooted in knowledge, support, and help that I’m still using to this day!
The changes I’ve seen have been incredible. After implementing the personalized plan that Vanda and I worked on together (first, her delivering a ton to me and then me asking lots of questions to ensure I could do this work without her post-experience), I’ve seen incredible changes in my mood, my energy, and my body. My body is slimming, but it’s less about that and more about my bloat being gone, not constantly being constipated or the like, and I’ve been feeling more energized because my body IS actively working with me, and I with it. Through the supplements, which have been super affordable and even easier to manage than the supplement regimen I had beforehand, the intentional approach to building my meals around PHFF and upping my carbs to support certain aspects of my own health that need to be healed, to lessening certain things in my lifestyle that were definitely creating more struggle than not (super spicy foods, coffee before breakfast, and even alcohol)…it’s been a really fantastic process and wonderful to see my body shifting into ease already. 
Vanda was there for me every step of the way with support, strategies to try, and care. I feel like I have a plan that works for me as a busy entrepreneur that’s seeking to heal her adrenals, without feeling insanely intense towards the process (consistency over intensity!) It’s easy to maintain and I felt like my whole health was considered through the holistic approach versus just a one-hit quick strategy for just one portion of my body which could create an imbalance with the rest of my body… 
My experience was freaking fantastic and I’ve told so many girlfriends to get tested with Vanda so they, too, could experience this simplistic freedom!

-Ashleigh, HTMA client