• Mom life

    Hollis Birth Story

    What a wild ride.I could probably end it right there, but I wont lol We again decided to not find out the gender of our baby with this pregnancy. We did this when we were pregnant with Kenley & loved the experience. I gave birth to Kenely at 37 weeks and 6 days (you can read her birth story here), so I anticipated that I would have this baby around that same time in pregnancy. At 35 weeks we moved out of our house and the following weekend, at 36 weeks we moved into our new home! Everyone, myself included, was so nervous that I would go into labor prior…

  • Mom life

    Kenley’s Birth Story

    We’ll start with the back story: my husband, Blake, & I decided when we got pregnant that it would be fun for us to not find out the gender of our baby. My parents didn’t know my gender throughout pregnancy and I always thought this would be a fun thing to do, luckily Blake was on board. I love surprises, but in today’s world I feel like there are so few true surprises in life……so what better surprise than waiting to find out the gender of your baby, right? Weeks leading up August/September 2019 Blake & I were approved to be foster parents. In our area there is a great…